Beige limestone with a compact appearance, with an alignment of grains and brownish fossils of a very small size, known as vergas. Its medium hardness allows it to be used for interior flooring, stonework, façades and interior cladding.
Beige limestone with a compact appearance, with an alignment of grains and brownish fossils of a very small size, known as vergas. Its medium hardness allows it to be used for interior flooring, stonework, façades and interior cladding.
Beige limestone with aligned bluish veins. Its high hardness and versatility allow it to be used for exterior and interior cladding and high-traffic flooring.
Cream and yellow limestone with medium-sized lighter spots and grayish veins. Its color is due to contamination by minerals. It is a very versatile stone with a strong tradition in Portugal, present in many historic buildings.
Coral-colored limestone with medium-sized lighter spots and darker veins. Its unusual color, caused by mineral contamination, and versatility make it a stone with a tradition in Portugal, present in countless historic buildings.
Limestone with a light pink to burgundy color and darker spots. Very versatile and with a long tradition in Portugal, it is suitable for interior coverings, flooring, facades and stonework.
Light beige limestone with medium to very large brownish and grayish fossils. Its unmistakable appearance, combined with its versatility, make it one of the most traditional stones in Portugal – it predominates in façades, stonework and flooring in historic buildings.
Creamy-brown limestone with a compact appearance, very fine grains and small to medium-sized darker fossils. With its high hardness, it can be used for stonework, flooring, façades and interior cladding.
A bluish gray limestone with a compact appearance, darker grains and fossils of small to large size and bluish veins. Used in facades and interior and exterior cladding, its characteristic high hardness allows it to be used on floors with a lot of traffic.
Bluish gray limestone with a compact appearance, lighter and darker areas and the presence of small to large bluish grains and fossils. It is effective when applied to stonework, facades and interior and exterior floors.
Compact-looking limestone with two distinct color areas – bluish grey and brownish cream – with darker, medium-sized to large, dispersed grains and fossils. Its high hardness makes it ideal for façades, stonework and exterior and interior flooring.